Distillery District Toronto Wedding


Distillery District

"We LOVEEEEEE THEM!! My favourite part of looking at Michelle's photos was seeing them brought me right back to the day. You've completely nailed that once again with our day and we couldn't be more thankful. We're so so thrilled! It's an odd thing, but it was so amazing just having you there for the day it almost feels like a bonus that we also love the photos so much!"

“Hey Matt, we’re planning our Distillery District Toronto wedding. Would you come to Canada and shoot it for us?” I think that’s probably one of the best emails I’ve ever received! Canada had always been in my top 3 places I was dying to visit. So when Amy & Sean got in touch and asked me to fly out to Toronto to be a part of their wedding at both the Thompson Landry Gallery and Archeo, there was only one answer!

I first met Amy & Sean at Michelle & Christian’s Burgh House wedding in London back in 2022, and it was those photos that prompted them to get in touch. They were super clear in their minds of what they wanted. Minimal formalities, minimal posed photos, just natural, organic, in-the-moment photos that really show how much fun everyone was having. That was the thing about Michelle & Christian’s photos that had really drawn them in; the fact that you can look at them and feel how much fun and emotion was in the air.

Toronto Wedding Photographer

So, after a very relaxed prep at the gorgeous King Edward Hotel in Toronto, Amy and her bridesmaids (and I) climbed into a limo and travelled to the amazing Thompson Landry gallery for the ceremony. Going into this wedding, there were two things I knew for sure. One; all Amy & Sean wanted me to do was get in the mix and really experience every moment of their wedding. Two; this was going to be a very dark and technically challenging wedding to shoot.

Toronto in December isn’t too different to the UK; cold and dark. Outside time was going to be minimal. Art galleries are dark places at the best of times. And the Christmas market meant the distillery district would be full of people. Was I worried about any of that? No sir! It’s challenges like those that make this job the best one going. I loved it!

Destination Wedding Photographer

Now, I could write war and peace about Amy & Sean’s Distillery District Toronto wedding, but the truth is the photos do a far better job of telling their story than I ever could. After all, that’s what they’re meant to do. MASSIVE love and thanks to Amy & Sean for having me and letting me get on a plane, travel to one of my bucket list destinations and be a part of this incredible day. The memories I made on this trip will be with me for life and I’m so grateful to have been there with them.

So, if you’re here because you’re planning your own Distillery District Toronto wedding and you can connect with my work, get in touch and let’s chat. I’d love to hear more about your plans and I would LOVE to head back out to Toronto again. If you’re keen to get more of a feel for my work, you can check out my portfolio. Or, just keep scrolling and check out how much fun this one was…

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