Award-Winning Wedding Photographer


Establishing myself as an award-winning wedding photographer has been pretty surreal. Not too long ago, winning awards felt like a mile away from where I was. Now my photos are receiving praise and accolades and that is still blowing my mind!

Right away, I was very drawn to capturing those genuine candid moments between people. Given that, joining an organisation like the Wedding Photojournalist Association felt like a natural step. In the last couple of years My Approach has been heavily influenced by the principles of street photography and the WPJA is all about those unscripted moments. I’m so proud to be an award-winning member of this organisation. I’m constantly inspired by the work of my colleagues and peers. Also, the judging panels are made up of some of the best documentary photographers and photojournalists in the world. Not wedding photographers. So on that basis, these awards mean the world to me!

Award-Winning Wedding Photographer

Awards are amazing and the recognition from the panel of judges means the world. However, they are not why I shoot weddings. I shoot for my clients. I shoot for myself. And I shoot to fuel the passion I have for telling stories. There is also the satisfaction from seeing myself improve but that’s still secondary. More than anything, I shoot for the joy on the faces of my clients when they see their photos. There is nothing better than that.

A wise man once said to me: Moment, Light & Composition. If you can get two out of three, you’re doing good. If you get the trifecta, you’ve smashed it! Needless to say, I’m always striving for the full house.

Here are my award winners…

To see more of my work, check out my Portfolio or see the latest stories on the blog. You can also read a bit more about me and get in touch if you’d like to check my availability.

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