Better than any coffee table book in Waterstones! Choose your fave’s, and I’ll do the rest.

So, do you remember when I said to you “I’m going to give you a set of photos that make you feel something and transport you back to that moment in time every time you look at them”? In that full set of photos I sent you, you will have already picked out some of your fave’s, right? Well, I reckon it’s time to get them printed in your very own customised wedding album, don’t you?

Choosing your album really is very simple. All you need to do is hit the link below to design your album, choose the number of spreads you want, and then it’s all about the photos. But, before we do all that, here are some examples of what the album options look like…

Okay, let’s get designing shall we? All you need to do is hit the link below to check out the options and choose your design, then complete the order and head back here for the next bit. Here we go…


Okay, now the album has been designed, it’s time to fill it wit your favourite photos! So, go log back into your gallery, make a new favourites list, call it ‘Album Choices’ and hit ‘send to photographer’.

Don’t worry, if you’re not sure how to do this, here’s a little how-to video on what to do…

Once that’s done, I’ll get a design made up and send it out to you for approval. When you’re happy, hit the go button and it’ll be sent off to print! It’s that simple! 

I can’t wait to get cracking on your design! If you have any questions then you know where I am, just fire me an email or a WhatsApp.

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