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Well, that didn’t really go to plan did it?!
There are so many ways to describe 2020 but, for me, one word stands out; different. Almost everything about this year has been different in one way or another. In all honesty, 2020 has been a massive challenge for Jess and I. We were both set to have our biggest year yet, but the big Covid-shaped elephant in the room had other ideas. For anyone that doesn’t already know, here’s a quick breakdown: Covid hit, the calendar went down quicker than the titanic, we realised we didn’t qualify for any government support schemes, I got a job driving for Tesco (which I’m loving!), and here we are.
But hey, these things are sent to test us, right? This is not going to be a doom and gloom post about how hard this year has been for us. Instead, this ‘2020 review’ is going to be the same as the year we’ve had; different. I’m going to show you what 2020 has been for us. So, in amongst some fave’s from the handful of weddings I was lucky enough to be a part of, I’m also going to show you a Christmas proposal, an awesome commercial photoshoot, a first tattoo (for me), doorstep visits, some time on two wheels and some personal stuff, mostly taken on my phone (despite my profession, I don’t tend to carry a camera around with me, something I plan on changing in 2021). This is the real 2020 at Ebbage HQ.
A year in review…
So, this is my love letter to 2020. You’ve been a total b@stard at times, and you’ve also shown me how many good people there are in the world, and how they all come together to support each other when things get a bit too much. For that, I thank you. For all the other sh*t, I thank you for that as well, because that’ll have me coming back stronger when we can get back to doing what we love.
To the couples who persevered and cracked on in the face of uncertainty and fear, I have nothing but respect and gratitude for you. Regardless of the circumstances, I had an absolute blast with you all and I’m so grateful to have been there with you on the day. To everyone who was forced to postpone to a later date, don’t you worry about it. Good Lord we’re going to party like we never have before! I’ve got a year’s worth of hugs saved up and they’re itching to come out!!
As always, thank you for following me and being a part of what I do. I honestly cannot wait to get back to it. Until then, if you see me out on the road in my Tesco van, give me a wave. I’ll be the guy in my high-vis, rocking out to some tunes with the windows down!
Cheers for now folks. Stay safe. Catch up soon.
Mebbs out.